Navigating the Reflexion Device Menu

Navigating the Reflexion Device Menu

updating your device
  1. Your device will automatically download an update when it becomes available, but you may need to restart the app first.
  2. Tap the in the center of the tab bar.
  3. Tap the device in the list to view more details.
  4. Scroll to the bottom to view update progress.
  5. Tap apply update & restart to finish the installation.
change your device's name
  1. Tap the in the center of the tab bar.
  2. Tap the device in the list to view more details.
  3. Tap change name.
  4. Enter the new name for your device.
  5. Tap save
switching between devices
  1. Hold the in the center of the tab bar.
  2. Swipe up to the name of the device.
  3. Release your finger to make that the active device.