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Reflexion Admin / August 15, 2018

Celebrating Three Years of Reflexion Innovation

Reflexion is officially three years old today!

Matt, Patrick and I began discussing our vision for the project that would eventually become Reflexion Interactive Technologies three years and ten months ago. But our articles of incorporation were filed on August 15th, 2015, so the cake is cut today.

We’ve come a long way since the early days and late weekend nights we spent eating pizza and designing early prototypes in my parents’ basement. Though progress seems slow at times, we continue to gain momentum in our effort to improve the safety of sport through performance training and cognitive testing.

This birthday falls at an interesting time in our company. So much of our time and energy has been dedicated to learning the needs of athletic trainers, physical therapists, and other professionals in an effort to understand how we can best serve and protect our users. We’ve talked to hundreds of athletes, coaches, athletic trainers, and parents in our efforts to refine the Edge multi-use tool it is today.

All of that energy has finally allowed us to put the Reflexion Edge in the hands of our first customers. Our focus now turns to creating happy users who are equally passionate about vision-based performance training and brain screening. This is a huge step for us, and we are excited to gather feedback throughout the upcoming sports season.

We want to thank the countless advisers and strategic partners who have helped us reach this milestone. Reflexion has always valued constructive criticism that helps us better define who we are and what we do. The past three years have been a period of productivity and growth thanks to your support, and we are eager to move forward into this exciting new stage of our mission.

Thank you all!

Matt Roda
