Getting Started with Reflexion’s Player Mode

Getting Started with Reflexion’s Player Mode

what is player mode?
Use player mode to only run plans, letting your athletes use the Edge quickly, no supervision required.
  1. Pre-assign a plan for all your athletes.
  2. Run assigned drills with one tap.
  3. No need for direct oversight of training.
  4. iPad locks to prevent privacy concerns of a player seeing others’ accounts.
how to enter player mode
  1. Tap in the tab bar.
  2. Tap get started.
how to use player mode
  1. A user can come up to the Edge or Flex and tap their name.
  2. Sets will be run in the order assigned.
  3. Users complete the drills on the Edge or Flex

note: The number located to the right of a user’s name shows how many uncompleted plans are assigned

note: a W next to a user’s name indicates they have not yet calibrated their wingspan

how to exit player mode
  1. Tap .
  2. Enter your password or authenticate with Touch ID/Face ID to go back to the rest of the app.

note: The lock feature ensures that the players cannot view other athletes' results or drills.