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Reflexion Admin / September 27, 2018

Understanding Go/No-Go Cognitive Tasks

The ability to separate latency time (an indicator of the brain’s information processing speed) from reaction time is a huge benefit of the Reflexion Edge. Going far beyond our original instructions to “touch the lights quickly,” our team has expanded our test range to incorporate other types of cognitive measurements to provide the most complete picture of a user’s brain function.

The results of our Go/No Go test currently focus on reflexes and coordination.

Screenshot of Go-No-Go Results

The top two graphs are like a dart board for the left and right hand. The scatter plot shows where the athlete touched each target, providing a visual of their hand-eye coordination. Users with vision problems may not be able to properly locate the target in space, and may consistently overshoot or undershoot. Millimeter scores are shown to quantify the average accuracy and precision.

Reaction times are broken down into the following equation as well: Latency + Motor = Total Time

Within the next month, we will refine Reflexion Edge’s cognitive function measuring system to differentiate and show when a user “flinches” at a red light, and for how long. This will further quantify ability to conduct decision/correction processing.

Altogether, Go-No-Go is an accurate measure of information processing and focuses on the brain’s ability to make rapid decisions.