
The Power of Not Doing In Sports: A Guide to Reacting and Proacting


Within the vast realm of sports, we often applaud the athletes for their speed, strength, and coordination. However, one overlooked but critical skill that separates good athletes from the elite is their ability to inhibit certain actions. This ability is twofold: Reactive Inhibition and Proactive Inhibition. In the fast-paced world of sports, the mastery of these inhibitory skills can make the difference between winning and losing. Let’s delve into the importance, nuances, and mastery of these vital skills.

Decoding Reactive and Proactive Inhibition

In the heat of a match, split-second decisions matter. An athlete must constantly decide whether to continue with a planned move or hold back. This is where the duality of reactive and proactive inhibition comes into play.

  • Reactive Inhibition: It’s the athlete’s capability to abruptly stop an ongoing motor action when new information suggests it’s no longer beneficial. Imagine a soccer player about to take a shot, but at the last moment, they see a teammate in a better position and hold back.

  • Proactive Inhibition: This is the ability to prevent starting an action altogether based on the anticipation of future outcomes. In tennis, this would be a player deciding not to rush the net because they anticipate a lob from their opponent.

Both skills are the result of a lifetime of training, experience, and trained cognitive ability to process information quickly and effectively.

The Significance of Inhibition in Sports

Why is inhibition so vital? Let’s decode its significance:

  • Game Strategy and Dynamics: In team sports, the dynamics change rapidly. Players must be attuned to teammates’ positions, the opponent’s strategy, and potential game-changers. A player’s ability to reactively or proactively inhibit actions can significantly influence the match outcome.

  • Energy Conservation: Unnecessary movements or actions can waste precious energy. By mastering inhibition, athletes can optimize their energy usage, ensuring they’re at peak performance throughout the game.

  • Minimizing Errors: Sports are often games of margins. A wrong move can lead to an opponent’s advantage. Through proactive inhibition, players can minimize the risk of errors.

  • Enhancing Teamwork: Especially in team sports, an individual’s action can impact the entire squad. By understanding when to act and when to inhibit, athletes can seamlessly integrate into team strategies.

Training the Mind for Mastery

It’s incredibly important to highlight that like many other cognitive skills, reactive and proactive inhibition can be trained with careful effort. So, how does one improve these inhibitory skills? Let’s explore:

  • High-Intensity Training: Simulate real-game scenarios during training. The more athletes practice in conditions mirroring actual matches, the better they get at making split-second inhibition decisions.

  • Cognitive Drills: In the world of sports, while physical prowess often takes center stage, it’s the nuanced interplay of mental agility and bodily skills that often defines the true champions. Enter cognitive drills—targeted exercises designed specifically to challenge the brain, enhancing its ability to adapt, anticipate, and react. Let’s dive deeper into the importance and mechanics of these drills:

    Switching Play Tactics Abruptly: One of the foundational principles of cognitive drills lies in their unpredictability. Imagine a soccer team practicing a certain formation and suddenly, without prior warning, they’re instructed to switch to a completely different setup. Or a basketball player preparing for a specific play, only to have it changed at the last moment. These abrupt changes force the athlete’s brain to quickly recalibrate and adapt, simulating the ever-changing dynamics of a real game. Over time, this trains the athlete’s reactive inhibition, allowing them to swiftly halt an initiated action and pivot as the situation demands.

    Utilizing Visual Cues: Another effective method involves using visual cues to dictate or modify an athlete’s actions. For instance, consider a tennis drill where the coach uses balls of different colors, with each shade indicating a specific type of shot. Players must constantly be alert and ready to adjust their technique based on the color of the incoming ball. This not only sharpens their reaction times but also strengthens their ability to inhibit pre-planned actions in favor of new directives based on the visual cues presented.

    The beauty of cognitive drills is that they directly tap into an athlete’s neural pathways, reshaping and refining them for optimal performance. While the physical act of playing remains paramount, it’s these moments of mental challenge and adaptation that often determine success in the split-second decisions of competitive sports. By integrating cognitive drills into training routines, athletes equip themselves with a mental edge, ensuring they’re as agile in their thought processes as they are in their physical maneuvers.

  • Game Analysis: Regularly analyze past games, focusing on decisions made in crucial moments. Recognizing past errors can reinforce proactive inhibition for future matches.

  • Mindfulness and Meditation: Enhancing focus through meditation can refine an athlete’s ability to anticipate and respond, honing both reactive and proactive inhibition.

Stories of Inhibition in Action

The world of sports offers compelling examples of how exceptional inhibition can lead to unparalleled success. Let’s dive into the stories of three superstars whose mastery in this domain has made them legends in their respective sports.

  • The Swift Decider: Lionel Messi
    Story: Lionel Messi, renowned for his dribbling skills, is not just about agility and speed. His decision-making, especially when to charge forward or hold back, makes him stand out.

    Inhibition’s Role: Messi frequently uses reactive inhibition to alter his dribbling path based on defenders’ positions. His proactive inhibition is evident when he decides not to take a direct free-kick, anticipating the wall jump.


  • The Calculated Racer: Lewis Hamilton
    Story: In the world of Formula 1, where every millisecond counts, Lewis Hamilton’s decisions on when to overtake or hold position have won him numerous races.

    Inhibition’s Role: Hamilton’s proactive inhibition is evident when he chooses not to overtake in tight corners, predicting potential collisions. Meanwhile, his reactive inhibition shines when he quickly pulls out of an overtaking maneuver seeing a sudden change in another driver’s trajectory.


  • The Tennis Maven: Serena Williams
    Story: Serena’s game is more than just forceful serves and groundstrokes. It’s also about deciding when to unleash a crafty drop shot or when to patiently build from the baseline.

    Inhibition’s Role: Serena’s proactive inhibition shines when she holds back from charging the net, predicting a speedy passing shot from her opponent. On the other hand, her reactive inhibition is evident when she tweaks her shot at the last second, based on her rival’s sudden move or position change.


In sports, the narrative often revolves around the action – the goals, the overtakes, the slam dunks. Yet, it’s the unseen decisions, the inhibited actions, that often play an equally critical role in the tale of victory or defeat.

Inhibition in sports isn’t just about physical prowess but is deeply intertwined with cognitive agility. Athletes, trainers, and enthusiasts, therefore, should not just focus on refining what to do but also master the art of deciding what not to do. Dive deep into training both aspects, and witness how the dance between action and inhibition elevates the game to new pinnacles.

Unlocking the Power of Eye-Hand Coordination: A Guide to Mastery


In the myriad of complex human abilities, one often slips under the radar despite its profound impact on our daily tasks: eye-hand coordination. At its core, eye-hand coordination refers to the synchronized control of our ocular and manual movements, allowing us to perform tasks as simple as picking up a pen to as intricate as playing a musical instrument or performing surgery. Although many might not give it a second thought, it’s this very synchronization that makes so many facets of our lives seamless and efficient.

Every time we tie a shoelace, sketch a drawing, or catch a flying ball, we’re relying on this intricate dance between our vision and our hand movements. Yet, for all its ubiquity, the potential to harness and enhance this coordination often remains underestimated. In this guide, we’ll dive deep into understanding, appreciating, and mastering eye-hand coordination, showcasing its pivotal role in both common tasks and outstanding feats.

Grasping Eye-Hand Coordination

Imagine standing on a serene beach, toes sinking into the warm sand, as you watch a child chase a kite. The child’s eyes follow the kite intently, while their hands and arms move in perfect synchronization, tugging the string, making the kite dip and soar. This visual, though simple and everyday, exemplifies the intricate dance of eye-hand coordination in action. But what exactly is happening behind the scenes in such instances? Let’s dive in.

  1. Definition and Importance: Eye-hand coordination is the synchronized control and processing of visual input (what we see) and hand movement to execute a task. It’s not just about how quickly we react to what we see but how accurately our hands respond to that visual stimulus. This synchronization is crucial in tasks that range from the mundane, like buttoning a shirt, to the complex, like playing a fast-paced video game or driving a car in heavy traffic.
  2. The Brain’s Role: The brain is the maestro of this complex symphony. When our eyes perceive an object or movement, the visual cortex in the brain processes this information. Simultaneously, other parts of the brain related to motor skills, like the cerebellum and the basal ganglia, start preparing our hands for action. This intricate neural network allows our hands to respond accurately to the visual cues.
  3. Developmental Perspective: Eye-hand coordination begins to develop early in life. Babies start by simply staring at their own fingers, gradually progressing to reaching out for objects. By toddlerhood, they can grasp objects, stack blocks, and scribble – all significant milestones in eye-hand coordination. Throughout childhood and into adulthood, these skills continue to refine and can be honed further with specific training.
  4. Factors Influencing Coordination: Several factors can influence one’s eye-hand coordination:
    • Genetics: Some people are naturally predisposed to better coordination due to genetic factors.
    • Practice: Repetitive activities, especially in sports or arts, can significantly enhance coordination over time. More on this below.
    • Age: While coordination tends to peak in young adulthood, it can wane with age unless actively maintained.Health Conditions: Certain medical conditions or injuries can impact coordination, but with rehabilitation, improvements can often be achieved.

In essence, eye-hand coordination is a testament to the body’s remarkable ability to integrate visual and motor functions seamlessly. While we often take it for granted, understanding and harnessing this capability can lead to enhanced performance in numerous fields, from athletics to arts and beyond.

Importance of Eye-Hand Coordination

Eye-hand coordination, sometimes termed hand-eye coordination, is one of those background skills we often don’t consider until faced with a task that challenges it. However, its impact and importance touch almost every facet of our lives. From the time we are infants reaching out to grasp a parent’s finger to older adults navigating daily tasks, this skill underpins our interactions with the world around us. Let’s shed some light on why eye-hand coordination is so pivotal.

  1. Daily Living Activities: At the most basic level, we rely on eye-hand coordination for everyday tasks:
    • Eating: Using utensils to carry food to our mouths.
    • Dressing: Buttoning a shirt, tying shoelaces, or zipping up a jacket.
    • Driving: Adjusting the steering wheel based on traffic and obstacles.

  1. Enhancing Athletic Performance: In the world of sports, having exceptional eye-hand coordination can differentiate the average from the elite.
    • Ball Sports: Whether it’s catching a baseball, shooting a basketball, or returning a tennis serve, the ability to coordinate vision with hand movements is paramount.
    • Martial Arts: Precision, speed, and accuracy in response to an opponent’s moves hinge on this coordination.

  1. Artistic and Musical Endeavors: Art and music are realms where the synchronization of sight and hand movement takes center stage.
    • Painting and Drawing: Artists rely on their ability to translate a vision or perception onto a canvas or paper with their hands.
    • Playing Musical Instruments: Musicians read sheet music and instantly translate those notes into finger movements on their instruments.

  1. Occupational Significance: Many professions necessitate a keen sense of eye-hand coordination:
    • Surgeons: Precise surgical movements, especially in minimally invasive procedures.
    • Pilots: Navigating aircraft based on visual cues and instrument readings.
    • Craftspersons: From jewelry design to woodwork, the intricacy demands flawless coordination.

  1. Cognitive and Developmental Benefits: Beyond physical tasks, eye-hand coordination plays a role in cognitive and developmental processes:
    • Learning: Children use this skill when writing or when using tools, aiding in their academic growth.
    • Problem-Solving: Activities like puzzles or video games that challenge eye-hand coordination also stimulate problem-solving skills.

  1. Rehabilitation and Recovery: For individuals recovering from certain illnesses or injuries, improving eye-hand coordination can be a key component of therapy, aiding in regaining independence and quality of life.

Pathways to Improvement

Developing and honing eye-hand coordination is a continuous journey. While we naturally develop this skill as children, it can be further refined and even regained if diminished. Several pathways offer both fun and practical approaches to improvement. Let’s dive into these pathways and understand their contributions.

  1. Engaging in Skill-Based Sports:
    • Benefits of Table Tennis, Basketball, Juggling, etc.:
      • Speed and Reflexes: Sports like table tennis demand rapid responses, enhancing quick decision-making and action.
      • Motor Skills: Juggling, for instance, boosts the precision of hand movements in relation to visual stimuli.
      • Spatial Awareness: Basketball players frequently assess distances and adjust their movements and throws accordingly.

  1. Gaming:
    • How Certain Video Games Can Enhance Coordination:
      • First-Person Shooters: These games require players to aim accurately and react swiftly to visual cues.
      • Rhythm Games: Hitting the notes or beats at the correct time improves timing and precision.
      • Simulation Games: Piloting vehicles or coordinating multiple tasks simultaneously hones multitasking coordination.
    • The Importance of Moderation:
      • Balance: While gaming can be beneficial, overdoing it can lead to sedentary lifestyles and potential vision issues.
      • Variety: Incorporate various genres of games to target different aspects of coordination.

  1. Using Fitness Apps & Tools:
    • Introduction to Apps/Tools Designed for Coordination:
      • Virtual Reality: VR products can provide an immersive and safe environment to practice eye-hand coordination with specialized drills optimized to do so. Click here to learn more about how Reflexion’s VR training product Reflexion GO can provide personalized eye-hand coordination training for you.
      • Balance Apps: Many apps challenge users to maintain balance while following visual cues, aiding in synchronization of body movements.
      • Agility Drills: Apps that guide users through agility training can enhance both coordination and reflexes.

  1. Meditation with Movement:
    • Benefits
      • Unified Flow: Movement-based meditations emphasize a fluid connection between thought and action. This synchronization, paired with deliberate breathing, fosters improved coordination among breath, vision, and motion.
      • Heightened Awareness: Engaging in movement meditation heightens one’s spatial awareness, making us more conscious of our body’s positioning. This attuned awareness can translate into better coordination between what we see and how we react.
      • Balance and Grace: The gentle and deliberate movements in these meditative practices refine balance and posture – both integral to efficient eye-hand coordination.
      • Sharpened Focus through Calm: The inherent tranquility of meditative practices clears the mind of distractions. With reduced stress and sharper focus, our eye-hand coordination naturally sees enhancement.
      • When meditation and movement become intertwined, the bond between our inner self and our external actions deepens. This combined approach is an excellent pathway for anyone seeking to refine their coordination and move through life with greater precision and grace.

  1. Staying Active and Alert:
    • Role of General Physical Fitness in Coordination:
      • Flexibility: Regular stretching and flexibility exercises can enhance the range and precision of movements.
      • Strength: A solid core and strong muscles support better posture and movement accuracy.
      • Cardiovascular Health: A healthy heart ensures that all parts of the body receive oxygen efficiently, crucial for coordination.

  1. Consistent Practice:
    • Emphasis on Repetition and Regularity:
      • Muscle Memory: Repeatedly practicing a particular task embeds the required movements into our muscle memory.
      • Overcoming Plateaus: With consistent practice, even when progress seems slow, breakthroughs become possible.
      • Evolving Challenges: Regularity in practice should be paired with escalating challenges to ensure continual growth.

Athletics Success Stories in Eye-Hand Coordination

The world of sports offers compelling examples of how exceptional eye-hand coordination can lead to unparalleled success. Let’s dive into the stories of three superstars whose mastery in this domain has made them legends in their respective sports.

  • The Sharpshooter: Steph Curry
    • Story: Stephen Curry, often hailed as the best shooter in NBA history, wasn’t always the towering figure he is today. Overlooked by major colleges and doubted by many because of his size, Curry’s extraordinary eye-hand coordination transformed his game.
    • Eye-Hand Coordination’s Role: Whether it’s shooting from beyond the arc or navigating through a defense, Curry’s ability to see, process, and act with his hands, often releasing the ball within milliseconds, is unparalleled. This skill, combined with his rigorous training and relentless work ethic, has made him a two-time MVP and multiple-time NBA champion.
  • The Ice Maestro: Sidney Crosby
    • Story: Sidney Crosby, captain of the Pittsburgh Penguins, is considered one of the greatest hockey players of his generation. From a young age, he showcased a knack for understanding the game and controlling the puck.
    • Eye-Hand Coordination’s Role: On the ice, Crosby’s exceptional eye-hand coordination allows him to control the puck, dodge defenders, and score with precision. His skill in deflecting pucks mid-air into the net or executing perfect passes demonstrates the vital role of coordination in his success.
  • The Gravity-Defier: Simone Biles
    • Story: Simone Biles, with her collection of Olympic gold medals, stands as the most decorated gymnast of all time. Her routines are a blend of power, grace, and intricate maneuvers that leave spectators in awe.
    • Eye-Hand Coordination’s Role: In gymnastics, where a split-second mistake can lead to severe injuries, Biles’ flawless coordination stands out. Whether she’s on the balance beam, the floor, or vaulting, her ability to synchronize her sight with intricate hand placements and body movements results in performances that are nothing short of art.


In today’s fast-paced world, the art of synchronization between our eyes and hands plays an indispensable role, stretching beyond just the realms of sports. As we’ve seen from the captivating journeys of elite athletes like Steph Curry, Sidney Crosby, and Simone Biles, the mastery of eye-hand coordination can lead to groundbreaking achievements. This synchronization is a testament to the untapped potential within us, awaiting its due diligence of nurturing and refinement.

Whether you’re aiming for professional greatness or simply wish to enhance daily functions, the journey to improve your eye-hand coordination is a worthy pursuit. Its benefits permeate numerous aspects of life, from executing tasks with precision to enjoying leisure activities with increased proficiency.

But don’t just admire from the sidelines. Dive in, and embark on your own journey of improvement. We invite you to explore specialized training programs and a wealth of resources dedicated to sharpening not just eye-hand coordination but all the cognitive skills that matter for you.  Everyone is unique. Reflexion’s approach to training relies on personalizing the practice you perform based on your life goals and current abilities. To see what cognitive skills matter most for you, click the link below.

Enhancing Soccer Performance: Onfield Neuro Training Guide


In the fast-paced and competitive world of soccer, physical fitness and technical skills are undoubtedly crucial. However, one element of performance that sets extraordinary players apart from the rest lies within their minds. Neuro skills, such as reaction time, eye-hand coordination, inhibition, mental flexibility, and anticipation, play a pivotal role in shaping a player’s success on the field. Soccer requires split-second decision-making, adaptability, and the ability to anticipate opponents’ moves to excel in various positions.

In this comprehensive blog post, we will delve deep into the realm of neuro skills in soccer and explore no-cost ways to train those skills that can elevate soccer players’ performance to new heights. As we journey through each cognition, we will discover their significance, examples of how they influence soccer performance, and how you can work to refine these essential skills to improve your own on field performance. Let’s uncover the untapped potential of neuro training in soccer and its impact on elevating player performance.

The Key Cognitions in Soccer

Reaction Time

In the fast-paced world of soccer, reaction time is a game-changer. It refers to how quickly a player can respond to external stimuli, such as oncoming passes, opponents’ movements, or sudden changes in the game. For positions like midfielders and strikers, where quick reflexes are essential, reaction time can be the difference between success and missed opportunities. Lightning-fast reaction time can help seize goal-scoring opportunities, catching defenders off-guard. Similarly, a midfielder who can quickly react to an opponent’s movements gains a competitive edge, intercepting passes and initiating counter-attacks. 

Drill: Shadow Cones

  1. Set up cones: Find an open space and scatter cones or markers in a random arrangement. There is no specific pattern; the randomness is intentional to replicate the unpredictable nature of soccer.
  2. Partner up: Work with a teammate or training partner who will call out commands during the drill.
  3. Begin the drill: Stand facing the cones with your partner next to you. On your partner’s signal, move as quickly as possible to touch a designated cone. Your partner can call out different cone numbers or colors, requiring you to change direction and respond promptly.
  4. Add variations: As you become more comfortable with the drill, add variations to make it more challenging. For example, have your partner call out two or more cone numbers at once, requiring you to touch each one in rapid succession. You can also try the drill with backward movements or lateral shuffles.
  5. Stay focused and agile: Keep your eyes on your partner and the cones, staying alert for the next command. Focus on quick and precise movements to touch the designated cones efficiently.


Eye-Foot Coordination

Soccer players in all positions rely heavily on eye-foot coordination. This neuro skill allows players to control the ball with finesse, execute accurate passes, and deliver shots with pinpoint precision. Through focused and repetitive practice, players can elevate their ball control, passing accuracy, and overall performance on the field.

Mastering eye-foot coordination is particularly crucial for positions like midfielders, who are often at the center of ball distribution and playmaking. A midfielder with exceptional eye-foot coordination can effortlessly control the ball while scanning the field for passing opportunities. Likewise, a forward’s ability to receive and control the ball with precision can lead to more successful shots on goal. 

Drill: Juggling

  1. Find an open space: Head to a park, backyard, or any area with enough room to juggle the ball freely without any obstacles.
  2. Start with your dominant foot: Begin by gently dropping the soccer ball from your dominant foot and try to kick it back up into the air with the same foot. Focus on maintaining a steady rhythm.
  3. Incorporate your non-dominant foot: Once you feel comfortable juggling with your dominant foot, challenge yourself to use your non-dominant foot as well. This will improve your coordination and balance on both sides.
  4. Keep your eyes on the ball: Maintaining constant eye contact with the ball is crucial for enhancing eye-foot coordination. This helps you anticipate the ball’s movement and make better contact with your feet.
  5. Increase the consecutive touches: Gradually work on increasing the number of consecutive touches you can make before the ball drops to the ground. Set achievable goals and challenge yourself to beat your personal best.



In high-pressure situations on the soccer field, staying focused and blocking out distractions is crucial. Inhibition, as a neuro skill, enables players to maintain their composure, make quick decisions, and filter out irrelevant information.

For defenders, maintaining strong inhibition skills is essential, especially during critical moments when they need to mark opponents tightly and avoid getting drawn out of position. Similarly, goalkeepers with heightened inhibition can remain calm during penalty kicks, enabling them to anticipate the direction of shots and make crucial saves. 

Drill: Noise and Distraction Drill

  1. Find a quiet space: Begin by choosing a quiet area to practice, such as an open field or a room without any background noise.
  2. Introduce distractions: To simulate external distractions, players can use various noise sources, such as playing music or having a teammate or friend create random sounds.
  3. Stay focused on the task: While the distractions are ongoing, challenge yourself to maintain your focus on the ball or a specific target. Block out the noise and concentrate solely on the task at hand.
  4. Engage in ball control exercises: Perform various ball control exercises, such as dribbling through cones, juggling the ball, or passing against a wall. The key is to execute these drills with precision and accuracy despite the distractions.
  5. Gradually increase the difficulty: As you become more adept at blocking out the distractions, progressively increase the intensity of the noise sources. This will test your ability to maintain composure and focus under mounting pressure.
  6. Reflect and adjust: After completing the Noise and Distraction Challenge, take a moment to reflect on your performance. Assess how well you managed to stay focused and composed amid the distractions. Identify areas for improvement and make adjustments accordingly.


Mental Flexibility

For versatile soccer players, like midfielders and defenders, mental flexibility is paramount. This neuro skill empowers players to adjust their strategies on the fly, read the game effectively, and seamlessly transition between offensive and defensive roles. 

Midfielders, often tasked with dictating the game’s tempo, need exceptional mental flexibility to switch from defensive cover to orchestrating attacking moves seamlessly. Defenders must anticipate their opponents’ next moves and swiftly adapt their positioning to neutralize threats effectively. 

Drill: Position Switch Challenge

  1. Set up a practice area: Find a suitable area on the field or create a designated space with markers to serve as the training ground.
  2. Assign offensive and defensive roles: Divide players into two groups – one group will take on offensive roles (e.g., forwards or attacking midfielders), and the other will assume defensive roles (e.g., defenders or defensive midfielders).
  3. Rapidly switch positions: Start the drill with players in their designated positions. At the coach’s or a teammate’s signal, players must quickly switch roles. For example, offensive players will become defenders, and vice versa.
  4. Stay alert and adapt: As the drill progresses, the coach or a teammate can call out scenarios or movements that require players to adjust their positions. For instance, players may need to transition from attacking to defending in response to a counterattack or vice versa.
  5. Execute game scenarios: Incorporate game-like situations, such as passing sequences or one-on-one challenges, that prompt players to rapidly switch between offensive and defensive roles based on the ball’s location and game dynamics.
  6. Reflect and learn: After the drill, gather feedback from players about their experience. Discuss the challenges they faced in transitioning between roles and identify areas for improvement.



Anticipation is the sixth sense of elite soccer players. It allows them to predict their opponents’ moves, anticipate the trajectory of passes, and position themselves optimally on the field. Enhanced anticipation leads to quicker reactions, improved positioning, and the ability to capitalize on scoring opportunities.

A goalkeeper with exceptional anticipation can anticipate the direction of a penalty kick, giving them a greater chance of making a crucial save. Forwards with heightened anticipation can exploit defensive vulnerabilities and create goal-scoring opportunities for themselves and their teammates.

Drill: Passing Lane Intercept

  1. Set up a grid: Create a rectangular playing area with cones to serve as the practice grid. The size can vary based on the number of players participating.
  2. Divide into teams: Split players into two teams, with one team acting as the offensive team and the other as the defensive team.
  3. Form passing lanes: The offensive team stands in a line, spaced evenly along one side of the grid. The defensive team forms a line on the opposite side, facing their offensive counterparts.
  4. Anticipate and intercept: The objective of the drill is for defensive players to anticipate passes from the offensive players and intercept the ball. The offensive team attempts to pass the ball across the grid to their teammates, while the defensive team focuses on reading the passes and moving to cut off the passing lanes.
  5. Intercept and switch roles: Defensive players aim to intercept as many passes as possible. Whenever a defensive player successfully intercepts a pass, they switch roles with the offensive player who attempted the pass.
  6. Vary the intensity: The drill can be performed at different speeds, with both offensive and defensive teams encouraged to challenge each other. Increase the pace of passes to challenge defenders’ anticipation skills further.
  7. Encourage communication: Communication among defensive players is essential to ensure they coordinate their movements and cover passing lanes effectively.
  8. Rotate positions: After a set period, rotate the teams so that players have the opportunity to practice both offensive passing and defensive anticipation.



As soccer continues to evolve, the value of neuro training in player development becomes increasingly evident. Reflexion’s personalized neuro training technology offers a groundbreaking approach to hone the key cognitions that matter in soccer. From reaction time to anticipation, every facet of a player’s neuro skills can be improved with Reflexion’s personalized training programs. To learn more about exactly which neuro skills matter most for you, head over to our free training personalizer.

For more free training resources, check our our Free Training Resources Youtube Playlist.


VR-Based Sports Training: Improving Athletic Performance with Reflexion GO and More

Welcome to the latest edition of the Reflexion monthly newsletter. This month, we’re taking a closer look at the world of VR-based sports training products and how VR technology can benefit athletes.

Virtual Reality (VR) technology has come a long way in recent years, and it’s now being used in a wide range of applications, including sports training. There are a variety of VR-based sports training products on the market that are designed to train specific sports skills, such as throwing or hitting a ball. The advantage of which is that it can provide a realistic and immersive training experience that simulates real-game scenarios. This type of training can help athletes develop better anticipation, reaction time, decision-making skills, and spatial awareness. Additionally, VR training can help athletes overcome psychological barriers that may prevent them from performing at their best. For example, VR simulations can be used to simulate high-pressure situations, such as a penalty kick in soccer or a crucial free throw in basketball, allowing athletes to practice in a safe and controlled environment.

One shortcoming of these technologies, however, is that while simulating game-like scenarios, the technologies fall short by being “not real enough.”  For example, it is challenging to see the seams on a baseball or truly raise the stakes of a critical moment to that of a real competition. For this reason, products like Reflexion GO that train more foundational cognitive skills that underpin athletic performance are a highly viable alternative.

Research has shown that cognitive training can improve sports performance by enhancing the perceptual-cognitive processes that are critical for success in sports. For example, a study by McRobert et al. found that manipulating context-specific information improved perceptual-cognitive processes during a simulated anticipation task, which could have important implications for sports training [1].

At Reflexion, we believe that cognitive training is an essential part of any athlete’s training regimen. That’s why we’ve developed Reflexion GO, a portable cognitive training system that can be used anywhere, anytime. With Reflexion GO, athletes can train their cognitive skills including tracking, eye-hand coordination, inhibition, prioritization, and reaction time and improve their sports performance, all while having fun.

We hope you found this month’s newsletter informative. If you have any questions or would like more information about Reflexion GO, please check out https://reflexion.co/go.


Best regards,
Matt Campagna
Founder & CEO


1. McRobert AP, Ward P, Eccles DW, Williams AM. The effect of manipulating context-specific information on perceptual-cognitive processes during a simulated anticipation task. J Sports Sci. 2011;29(13):1427-1436. doi:10.1080/02640414.2011.610347

Reaction Light Training: Everything You Need To Know

Reaction training lights have been quickly growing in popularity, and there’s a good reason why. With the right program and training approach, these lights can make a massive impact on your overall performance.

In fact, most serious athletes are already adding reaction light training into their current workout. It has become a requirement for those who are committed to improving and taking their game to the next level.

This post will cover everything you need to know about reaction light training, and give you some tips on how to get started.

What Is Reaction Light Training?

Reaction light training is a revolutionary way to train your mind. You see, many athletes focus on the physical aspects of their training. While reaching peak physical condition is essential, your mental prowess and visual skills play a more significant role in your success than you know!

No matter what sport you play, quick reaction times are crucial. In a split second, you must identify openings, process the information to figure out what you’re going to do, and jump into action. Everything occurs in an instant!

Unfortunately, not every athlete has the fast reaction times they need to reach their full potential. It might not seem like a huge difference, but even a fraction of a second can lead to lost opportunities on the field.

With reaction light training, you can improve your reaction time and see major improvements in your performance.

The concept is pretty simple. Training devices utilize a series of lights to trigger a response. The lights act as stimuli, representing what you might see in the middle of a game.

Your job is to react as quickly as possible to that stimuli! The lights may flash, turn on in random patterns, move around the screen, or change colors. Training devices offer a slew of programs that are capable of addressing different problems.

Whatever the case may be, you’re tasked with completing a physical response.

More advanced training devices, such as Reflexion, will track your performance with every response. You and your trainer can analyze the data to get more insight into your skills. It gives you the chance to see your strengths and find areas where you need to improve.

Reaction training lights are incredibly versatile, providing a long-term solution for cognitive enhancements. Programs are adaptable, getting more challenging as your reaction times improve. As a result, you can continue to see your reaction times soar as you avoid a dreaded plateau.

How It Can Benefit You

You have a lot to gain from reaction light training. There’s no shortage of game-changing benefits to take advantage of!

As mentioned earlier, your cognitive skills are paramount on the field. You can have all the strength and agility in the world, but if you’re not able to react quickly there’s always going to be someone who’s faster and more capable than you.

Reaction light training can bridge the gap, pushing you to reach your potential with your sport!

The most obvious takeaway is quicker response times. These exercises look simple at face value. However, completing drills creates significant changes within your brain.

Every time you respond to something you see on the field, synaptic responses occur in the brain. Neurotransmitters start popping off, delivering important information, and telling parts of your body to get moving.

The more that those neurotransmitters move, the more efficient they become. Now, there’s no way to prepare for every little thing you’ll encounter on gameday, but reaction light training can simulate quite a bit!

With regular training, the synaptic responses form a defined path that neurotransmitters can travel on. As a result, you’ll receive those messages faster and more efficiently!

Reaction training lights can lead to other great perks as well.

It naturally enforces your hand-eye coordination. You must provide a physical response to the lights as they appear. The reaction forces your arm, hand, and fingers to jump into action.

Again, repeatedly training coordinated movements strengthens the connection, allowing you to move more efficiently.

This unique form of mental training can also improve things like eye tracking and peripheral awareness. 

All of these cognitive and visual improvements can lead to a noticeable improvement in your athletic performance. You’ll be quicker on your feet, more attuned to what’s going on around you, and more responsive to the events that unfold.

Reaction training is what sets great athletes apart from good ones. It can take your skills to the next level and make you a force to be reckoned with in your sport!

Common Reaction Light Exercises You Can Do

There are many unique ways to introduce reaction light training into your routine. Reaction-based drills are super versatile, and are actually pretty fun!

What you can do varies based on the equipment you have. With that said, here are some of the most common drills worth trying out.

1. Light Taps

Here’s a simple workout that can have a considerable impact. It requires the use of a standard reaction training screen.

These screens feature an array of LED lights and touch responsive panels. They’re a hands-on device that offers tons of training flexibility.

The concept here is easy. The screen will flash a series of colored boxes at random. To get through the program, tap each one as quickly and accurately as possible.

2. Focused Taps

For this drill, stand close to the screen. In addition to training your reaction time, you’ll work your peripheral vision. This can help you improve your reaction and processing times no matter how you see the visual cues.

When you stand close to the screen, two boxes will appear. These boxes are your starting point, and you must keep your fingers on these two boxes. 

As random lights pop up, tap them as quickly and accurately as you can before returning your finger to the starting point.

3. Memory Patterns

With this exercise, you’re testing how fast you can record information and react to it. Like other screen-based drills, this one requires physical touch.

Quick patterns of light will flash on the screen. Your job is to recreate the design as fast as possible. The device times you, forcing you to act at breakneck speeds to improve.

4. Sporadic Sprints

Here’s a drill that involves more physicality. It utilizes standalone lights that you can connect to training software.

The aim of the game is similar to the first exercise we went over. All you have to do is touch the light to turn it off. However, there’s the added challenge of distance to contend with!

Place several lights throughout the training space at random. Choose a starting point and begin the program! The lights will flash at random, staying on until you respond to them. You must sprint to the light and get low to turn it off.

5. Suicide Sprints

For this exercise, you’ll only need about three lights. You can bump up the light count later to create a more significant challenge, but you can start with three for now.

Mark a starting line on the floor. Then, place the lights several meters away. You can choose uniform distances, but make sure that each one is different. For example, you can put one 5 meters away, the second 10 meters away, and the third 15 meters away.

After starting the program, the lights should flash and stay on like before. Your goal is to sprint to each light, turn it off, and return to the starting point.

Set the lights to flash one after another! That way, you are continually sprinting back and forth.

6. Pursuit

The pursuit drill is an exercise that takes advantage of the fluid movement of light screens. Reflexion’s light screens are perfect for this type of routine.

Two light circles will appear on the screen. One moves around randomly while the other requires your control. Tap and drag the stationary light to chase after the moving one!

Try to hold your light circle over the other one for as long as possible, chasing it as it dances around the screen. If you want to create an even bigger challenge, add another moving light into the mix and use both hands!

7. Dexterous Taps

This last drill is all about teaching you to stay in control while still reacting quickly. This is an important skill to have in just about any sport.

The drill is similar to other common screen-based exercises. You have two squares that act as the “home base” for each hand.

To complete the workout, you must tap the lights as they appear and return your hand to the light square starting position. However, the trick is that you can only tap specific shapes or colors with one hand. The program might reserve purple lights for the right hand and yellow lights for the left!

Either way, this limitation forces you to process the visual cue quickly before you take action.

How Advanced Are These Lights Today?

Training lights have come a long way in recent years. The concept of reaction light training is not new, but advances in tech have made it more accessible and impactful than ever!

These aren’t simple light stationary lights or rudimentary television screens. They’re advanced pieces of equipment that utilize the latest and greatest in analytical computing.

Take Reflexion for example. This six-screen panel is sporting 2,600 LED lights and a capacitive touch screen for accurate response. It’s wide, allowing you to create a massive training area.

Of course, the Edge is tough enough to last as well. It uses borosilicate glass and an aluminum chassis to withstand rough gym environments.

More importantly, however, is the brains of the operation. The light panel connects to a smartphone or tablet, recording each and every response you provide. Within the app, you can get in-depth analytics.

The software is highly versatile and recommends adaptations to help you see even more improvements. 

Today’s reaction light devices are like full-fledged trainers. Thanks to the technology they utilize, they’re advanced enough to push you further than ever before. Pair that with the long-term performance analysis, and you have a system that adjusts as you improve.

If you’re interested in learning more about reaction training lights how Reflexion can help, get in touch!

How To Improve Your Depth Perception For Athletics

Improving depth perception is something that many athletes (and non-athletes) are interested in. It’s not a coincidence that the best athletes on the planet have fantastic depth perception!

But is it truly possible to improve depth perception? Or is it just something you’re born with?

Fortunately, improving your depth perception is something that anyone can do. Whether it be for sports, driving, or just daily life, this guide will walk you through the process!

The Importance Of Depth Perception For Athletes

Depth perception is something that many of us take for granted. It helps us live our daily lives and navigate the world safely. Most of us don’t give it a second thought. However, if you develop issues with your depth perception, the impact it has becomes quite clear!

Many issues are manageable. But in the world of sports, depth perception problems can have a significant impact on your game!

Athletes need depth perception to accurately track and react to what’s happening on the field. You’re moving in a three-dimensional space and have a specific target and goal in mind. In most cases, that’s a ball!

Whether you play football, baseball, or soccer, you must have the ability to track the ball and the other players in the three-dimensional space. Without this, you’re not going to be capable of gauging its speed, trajected path, and movement (which will make you much less effective).

For example, take a baseball player who’s up to bat. The moment the pitcher throws the ball, batters must evaluate the ball’s trajectory and speed to hit it successfully. All of this occurs within a split second. Your depth perception plays a critical role in that equation.

The same goes for a basketball player trying to shoot the ball into the hoop. You have to figure out where the hoop is while considering your position on the court. If your depth perception is out of whack, you can’t make those judgment calls. As a result, your accuracy and overall performance will suffer significantly.

All sports require good depth perception. It’s a crucial, yet often overlooked, ability that can make or break your game.

But these days, it’s not enough to simply have average depth perception if you want to play at a high level. The best athletes dedicate time to improving their depth perception to give themselves an edge and become a better athlete.

Ways To Give Yourself A Quick Depth Perception Test

First, it’s important to come up with a fair assessment of your depth perception before you can work on improving it through various exercises.

Depth perception is far more complex than blurry vision, and many different elements can affect it. All it takes is for one of those elements to go wrong to start causing issues.

If you suspect that your depth perception is lacking, there’s one quick and easy way to test it out.

Using a computer or large tablet, pull up a picture of a simple ball. It doesn’t have to be any particular ball, since the image is only going to serve as a focus line.

Hold your index finger up about six inches in front of you. Your finger should be pointed up at the ceiling and placed between your eyes and the ball image.

Now, with your finger in front of your face, focus your eyes on the ball. Your vision of the ball should clear up while your finger appears fuzzy and faint. Two faint images of your finger should appear on both sides of the ball image. Meanwhile, the ball image should be crystal-clear and in focus.

Next, do the opposite. Focus your vision on your finger rather than the ball image. When you do this, the image of the ball should become fuzzy and separated. If your depth perception works correctly, you will see two faint images of the ball on either side of your finger.

This test checks your binocular stereoscopic vision. You see, both of your eyes see two different things. However, your brain is taking that information to create a unified image with good depth perception. That’s why the out-of-focus object appears to look split in two!

A test like this can give you a good idea of your depth perception abilities. But, it’s not going to replace the diagnosis of an optometrist. If your depth perception is causing trouble with your sports performance or everyday life, it’s a good idea to seek professional help for a proper diagnosis.

Tips For Improving Depth Perception

Depth perception problems can be frustrating. In addition to affecting your sports performance, poor depth perception can impact your ability to drive, run errands, or even pour a glass of milk!

The good news, however, is that there are many ways to improve it. Addressing your depth perception issues should be a top priority regardless of the impact it’s having on your life.

Here are some exercises to help you see some improvements.

1. Give Your Eyes A Break At Home

When you’re relaxing at home, do your best to go easy on visual stimulants!

Many things at home could negatively impact your depth perception. Some of the biggest offenders are your smartphone and computer.

Staring at a computer for hours on end does no one any good. When you stare at a screen, you’re looking at a flat object. Your eyes are focused on a single point. Even if you’re viewing a movie or video with perceived depth, your eyes aren’t really working to help you gather more information.

As a result, you may lose some depth perception over time.

Furthermore, the closeness of screens causes too much hyperactivity. Your eyes are converging on something that’s only a few inches from your face. The frequency of blinking goes down, putting way too much strain on your eyes. That’s why many of us feel fatigued after looking at a screen for too long!

Take a break and try to participate in activities that aren’t super taxing on your eyes.

You can also adjust the lighting in your home to make things easier on your eyes. Many people have depth perception issues in dimly lit areas and super bright areas. The lack of lighting contrast creates little differentiation, which makes perceiving depth a challenge.

If you have problems with darkness, try getting a couple of bright lights or applying brightly colored tape in key areas. If you suffer from issues in bright areas, turn some lights off and give your eyes rest in a dark room every once in a while.

2. Strengthen Your Eye Muscles

Strengthening the eye muscles can do a lot to improve depth perception, too. When your eyes are strong, they’re able to move and focus efficiently on targets at varying depths.

There are a few different exercises you can try out that accomplish this.

The first is a simple eye-rolling technique. Roll your eyes around your line of sight. Keep your head stationary and move your eyes deliberately. Focus on items within your vision as you do this.

This is a simple exercise that doesn’t seem like it would make much difference at first. But doing it regularly can help you see noticeable depth perception improvements with time.

Another exercise you can do involves a balloon or beach ball. Hang the balloon or ball about two feet from your ceiling. Now, use your hands to hit the ball from left to right.

As the ball moves, keep track of it! Stay focused on the ball and your eyes will move with it. Your depth perception will improve because you have to use it to gauge where the ball is at all times.

Finally, you can try pencil push therapy. This is a popular technique that many ophthalmologists utilize. It’s similar to the ball image and finger test we went over earlier. But, you’re going to use a pencil or pen.

Hold onto the pencil at arm’s length. The pencil should be pointed towards the ceiling. Now, slowly move the pencil closer to your nose. While you’re doing so, stay focused on the pencil and track its movement!

This is another area where using Reflexion can help. By challenging your eyes with drills that are designed to strengthen them and improve depth perception, you’ll quickly see benefits.

3. Use Vision Training Tools

If you want to go on a more technical training route, try vision training tools.

Vision training and neuro-fitness tools can do a lot to improve many non-physical aspects of your sports performance. Light boards like Reflexion, for example, are great for enhancing reaction time, reflexes, and more. They also happen to work well for depth perception!

These tools feature an expansive board of LED lights that can be programmed to move and respond to physical touch. When you start a training regime, the lights will randomly appear throughout the board. Your task is to respond to the lights with physical touch.

Using these tools requires you to judge the distance and speed of light. You have to track the lights, which forces you to focus on a moving target.

Continued training can work wonders on your depth perception. Many tools even have training programs that are purposely designed for depth perception issues (like Reflexion). At the same time, you’ll also improve contrast sensitivity, hand-eye coordination, and more.

4. Increase Repetitions That Challenge Your Depth Perception

This technique is all about putting you face-to-face with situations you might encounter on the field that challenge your depth perception. The goal is to confront those issues head-on so that you can strengthen your response and improve depth perception.

There is a wide range of exercises you can do. One option is to choose an activity that simulates your sport. For example, you could do repetitions of practice shots or batting practice.

Alternatively, you can do unique exercises that are tailor-made to challenge your depth perception while forcing you to react with physical motions. One good option is to block shots from different distances and speeds.

Step into the shoes of a goalkeeper for a bit and have a training partner send shots in your direction. Have them move to different areas on the field and perform shots at varying power levels. If you get creative you can find opportunities for this in pretty much any sport.

Whatever you do, this activity will benefit you greatly. With each shot, the repetitive motions are challenging (and ultimately improving) depth perception. Your eyes and brain are working overtime to figure out where the ball is going. Over time, you should see noticeable improvements on and off the field.

Ready To Get Serious?

If you’re interested in improving your depth perception to take your performance to the next level, we’d love to hear from you. Reflexion can help athletes level up their neuro-fitness in ways that are highly effective, and quite a bit of fun.

Visit this page to learn more and get in touch!

How To Become An F1 Driver: 7 Steps For Success

The high-level strategy for how to become a Formula 1 driver is actually fairly simple. But within that, there’s a LOT of work required.

This article will help you get a better understanding of what’s required if you want to become an F1 driver, and how to get started. After that, it’s up to your work ethic (and a little luck) in order to make your dream come true!

1. Make Sure You’re Committed

Becoming a Formula 1 driver is no walk in the park. It’s fiercely competitive and is one of the most difficult sports to join. For a vast majority of wannabe drivers, it will be nothing more than a pipe dream.

That sounds harsh, but when you look at how competitive the Formula 1 world is, it makes sense. Since its infancy, there have only been about 775 F1 racers in the history of the sport. As of 2019, there are only 20 racers on the grid!

That’s 20 drivers in the entire world who are lucky enough to call themselves F1 drivers!

Don’t let that figure discourage you. The most important thing to remember is that becoming an F1 driver requires a lot of commitment.

It takes years to hone your skills and train. If you’re serious about this sport, you will have to stay on the asphalt and get as much driving experience as possible. This means spending time away from family and potentially missing out on many things your peers get to enjoy.

Most don’t realize it, but drivers are constantly training for those 90 minutes on the track. When they’re not behind the wheel, they’re training their mind to stay focused or building up muscle to keep their bodies in peak physical condition.

On top of the time commitment, you also have to consider the costs of becoming an F1 racer. Getting real-world experience is not cheap. It can be a real financial burden to climb the ranks.

While F1 races have worldwide media coverage and tons of sponsorship opportunities, the same can’t be said about lower formula races. As a result, many drivers have to self-fund their way to the top. If you’re not committed to the sport, your endeavors could leave you with nothing but hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt.

2. Start Karting

Don’t expect to hop behind the wheel of a multi-million dollar F1 car right off the bat. You have to work your way up the ranks to earn that privilege.

So how are you supposed to train? If you want to be like many current F1 racers, you’ll start with karts!

Karting is a great way to learn the fundamentals before you move onto more powerful vehicles. F1 cars and karts share a lot of similarities. Obviously, they are nowhere near F1 cars when it comes to speed and capability.

But, karts are single-seaters just like F1 vehicles. Plus, races have many of the same challenges.

While slower than F1 cars (significantly), karting can be competitive and thrilling all the same. You must push the limits of the vehicle while using finely tuned techniques to make your way to the top of the line.

During your time as a kart racer, you can develop those all-important skills you need to become a successful driver.

Many current Formula 1 drivers got their start in the karting circuit. On average, drivers will spend anywhere between five and seven years dominating the karting world before moving onto lower formulas.

Even then, karting is not something they leave behind. Formula 1 legends like Aryton Senna and Michael Schumacher continued to return to karting for additional training (and a bit of fun). Many of the racers on the grid today do the same!

3. Develop Racing Fundamentals

You need a strong foundation of skills if you want to become a Formula 1 driver.

Karting will help you get there. But once you move up to lower formula races, you’ll have the opportunity to develop them even further.

Never rest on your laurels when it comes to the fundamentals. F1 racing is a dangerous sport. You have to stay focused and use every technique in your arsenal to stay safe.

One of the biggest pitfalls prospective racers make is failing to go back to the fundamentals. No matter how long you’ve been racing, it’s always good to brush up on your skills. They have to be instinctive and natural if you want to go far.

It’s a good idea to get help from a mentor or trainer. Coaches can guide you as you navigate the world of competitive racing. Not only that, but they will ensure that you’re following a training routine that builds upon the foundations you already know.

While getting behind the wheel is ideal, it’s not the only way you can hone your skills. There are a lot of great simulation tools out there that can keep your fundamental skills sharp.

4. Improve Your Skills & Work Your Way Up

Have you ever taken the time to look at how current Formula 1 drivers made their way to the top? No driver starts their career in F1 racing. In most cases, getting to Formula 1 requires years of climbing the racing ladder.

After conquering the karting circuit, you can graduate to more competitive formulas. You may start with an entry-level class of single-seater races. For example, you could establish your formula career in Formula Ford. Then, you could move up to Formula 3 (which was formerly GP3).

The amount of time you spend in lower tiers will depend entirely on your success. Some drivers climb the ranks faster than others while some don’t make it past a certain level. Your exact path will be unique to you.

Use your time in these races to push your skills even further. Lower levels of racing can be intense and competitive. But nothing trumps a real Formula 1 race. So, you have to be the very best in your class before climbing up the next rung on the racing ladder.

Don’t be afraid to go out of your comfort zone and compete in more competitive circuits. Many seasoned F1 drivers first started garnering attention in European circuits.

In a European circuit, you can be racing in grids of more than 60 drivers. It’s one of the best ways to test your skills and improve your chance of becoming a F1 racer.

5. Build Relationships With Teams & Sponsors

Building relationships is paramount if you want to climb up the ranks and become a true contender for Formula 1. Like any other career, it’s all about networking!

While you complete a race on your own, competitive racing is anything but solitary. There are many teams you can join. Teams are about more than just camaraderie. They’re about developing skills and learning.

In the single-seater arena, junior teams typically work with seasoned drivers with impressive track records. This will give you the chance to learn from the very best.

This mentor/trainee relationship is an important one. Working with seasoned team members gives you an upper hand. You can see how they work and learn a lot of important racing techniques to push your own skills even further.

Developing relationships with sponsors is important too. As we mentioned earlier, becoming an F1 driver is not cheap. Unless you have the cash to fund your journey, you’re going to need sponsors to help you make it to F1.

Typically, sponsorship opportunities will follow you the better you get at racing. Sponsors want to work with visible drivers who are constantly making waves in the racing world.

While F1 drivers usually get the most sponsorship offers, lower formula drivers get attention, too. This is especially true in the European circuit and markets where single-seat racing pulls in millions of viewers.

6. Train Your Body

Those who have never been behind the wheel of a single-seater often think that racing is a sport that’s relatively easy on the body. However, physical fitness has a bigger impact than most realize.

When you’re zipping around the course at speeds over 200 MPH, your body is experiencing tremendous force. In a typical race, drivers often experience five to six Gs of force when cornering or breaking. To put that into perspective, most people will pass out when exposed to five Gs of force.

Those additional forces put nearly 100 pounds of additional weight onto your body. Meanwhile, pushing the brake pedal often requires upwards of 300 pounds of force.

Needless to say, training your body is a must! Good all-around physical fitness is important. But, there are a few key areas you should focus on. These include overall endurance, physical strength, and neck strength.

Drivers must improve their endurance to withstand the stress that’s put on their bodies. You have to be able to endure those gravitational forces for 90 minutes or more while staying focused on the track ahead. Most drivers will use cardiovascular diseases to slowly build and maintain stamina.

Strength training helps to build muscle. Formula 1 racing is a bit different than other sports. You’re not using quick bursts of strength to achieve impressive feats. Instead, your strength is supporting your body and helping you control the car.

It’s good to work on building muscles throughout your entire body. You must strengthen the arms, build muscle in your legs, and focus on your core to stay stable in the car.

The neck needs special attention too. With the weight of your helmet and those additional G forces, you’re going to feel up to 55 pounds on your neck alone.

Range of motion exercises and targeted workouts will strengthen your neck and help you avoid potentially life-threatening injuries.

7. Train Your Brain

Many drivers and athletes focus on the physical side of things. However, your mental abilities play a huge role in your success behind the wheel.

When you’re driving at top speeds, you’re covering a lot of ground every second. All it takes is one moment of lost focus to miss an opportunity or lose control of the vehicle.

The thing that sets Formula 1 drivers apart from the rest is that they’re able to react quickly to the events unfolding on the track. They can spot potential openings to overtake other drivers in front of them while making quick maneuvers to navigate safely.

Mental training helps you improve reaction time. It establishes and enhances those synaptic responses between your brain and body. With continued training, you can quickly analyze the road ahead of you, make quick decisions on what to do, and tell your body to move.

It might not seem like mental training would do much. But you’d be surprised by how much improving your reaction time by only a fraction of a second can help.

There are several ways to train your brain. You can keep things simple and use bouncing balls to simulate the sporadic nature of racing. Or, you can go the high-tech route.

Mental training devices train your body and brain at the same time. They use visual stimulants and training programs to trigger a physical response (like Reflexion). Training equipment can also record your performance and help you spot areas that need improvement.

No matter how you choose to challenge your brain, mental training is not something you can ignore if you want to become an F1 driver.


If you want to become a Formula 1 driver you should prepare for a long journey of hard work and commitment. This dream is not unique to you, and there are thousands of other drivers who are pursuing it as well.

But with the right combination of talent, dedication, hard work, and luck, you might be able to make it happen!

If you want to gain an edge on the competition, contact us to learn how Reflexion can take your reflexes to the next level.

Formula 1 Training: Everything You Need To Know

Formula 1 training programs have to cover a wide base for drivers to be competitive. Controlling the cars and pushing them to the limit is no easy task.

If you’re interested in improving your racing performance (or are just curious what F1 training really looks like), this guide is for you.

The Importance Of Training For Formula 1 Drivers

When most people think of sports that require peak physical performance, Formula 1 racing usually isn’t the first to come to mind. Drivers are just sitting in a car, right?

Contrary to popular belief, the body goes through a lot during a single 90-minute race. It takes some impressive strength and body conditioning to control a vehicle that’s reaching speeds of over 200 MPH. Applying the brake pedal alone can require over 300 pounds of force!

On top of all that, drivers experience some intense gravitational forces. Constant cornering and braking generate five to six Gs of force in the cockpit. That’s enough force to put upwards of 90 additional pounds on the body.

To put that in perspective, the only time the average person ever experiences more than one G-force is when they’re on a plane or roller coaster. Most people will pass out when exposed to five G forces. Now imagine feeling that pressure on your body for a 90-minute race!

Then, you have to factor in the gear that drivers are wearing. Protective gear is essential in a dangerous sport like Formula 1 racing. Drivers have layers of protective clothing. Helmets weigh about 15 pounds alone. Add those G-forces into the mix and drivers are looking at about 55 pounds on their neck.

To stay safe, drivers have to overcome that pressure to stay upright at all times. It looks easy when you’re viewing cockpit feeds, but it’s no easy task.

Finally, there’s the issue of heat and heart rate. With the extreme heat in F1 cockpits, it’s not uncommon for drivers to sweat off around 6.6 pounds of water weight during a single race. In more humid environments, that figure can get even higher.

During a race, a driver’s heart rate will rise quite a bit, too. The average resting heart rate is 60 to 100 BPM. Throughout the race, a driver’s rate can get between 170 and 190 BPM. It may peak beyond 200 BPM. All of this happens over the course of two hours!

Needless to say, Formula 1 racing isn’t as easy as it looks. The strain it places on a driver’s body is enough to do some serious harm to non-athletes. Drivers must train year-round to keep their body in good condition. Otherwise, they run the risk of serious health issues or losing control of the car!


Endurance is a key focus of F1 training programs for drivers. High endurance levels help you undergo bodily stress for long periods. It prevents drivers from feeling fatigued during the race, ensuring that they have the strength and gusto to keep controlling the vehicle.

Many drivers implement standard forms of cardio into their workout routine. Activities like cycling, rowing, swimming, and running can raise and maintain your heart rate to build up stamina. A multi-disciplined approach is key here.

You want to work out your entire body and avoid a plateau, and cycling through different activities helps you do just that.

Rowing is particularly effective for building endurance for Formula 1 drivers. Not only does it raise your heart rate and improve cardiovascular fitness, but it also works out core muscles around the neck, shoulders, and arms.

You could also try high-intensity interval training. Perfect for short workout sessions, this training technique involves quickly raising your heart rate, resting, and repeating.


F1 racers don’t perform quick bursts of physical activity like other athletes. Instead, they are using their strength to support their body over a long period of time. It also helps them perform critical movements in the heat of a race.

Strength training is crucial for a F1 driver. Trainers often develop targeted routines to strengthen key areas of the body while improving overall body strength. These workouts are typically performed during the off-season to prepare for races. They also keep the body in peak physical condition.

Here are some of the key areas of focus for strength training.


The neck muscles are, by far, the most important area to strengthen. It’s a staple of all smart F1 training programs.

As we mentioned earlier, the neck experiences tremendous force during a race. Failing to strengthen the muscles could result in potentially life-threatening injuries or the inability to control the car later in the race.

Here are some ways F1 drivers can train the neck muscles:

Cardiovascular exercises like rowing work well. You can also use free weights. One popular exercise is to hold a free weight in each hand. Using nothing but your shoulders, you can lift the weights and hold a “shrugged” position to target muscles in the neck area.

Another common exercise is to simply lay on your back and turn your neck from one side to the other. This is a safer alternative to weight-based routines if you’re just getting started. But, it’s still effective nonetheless.

Range of motion stretches and chin tucks are easy to implement into your routine as well.

F1 teams often utilize specialized equipment that’s designed to replicate the pressure and weight in a cockpit. While those machines are fine-tuned to target the neck muscles, you can easily strengthen your neck without them by using resistance bands.


Training the core is all about improving a racer’s ability to stabilize the body during a race. The core indirectly affects a myriad of muscle groups, so keeping a tight and strong core can offer a slew of benefits to Formula 1 drivers.

Any ab-based exercise is going to be beneficial. Traditional crunches, sit-ups, and planks can work wonders to improve core strength. However, it’s not just your forward-facing muscles that you need to improve.

To counteract those G-forces, you must challenge your core to hold proper hip and back alignment. The goal here is to give your core the strength it needs to resist rotation.

Several sets of side planks and leg raises can do the trick. Use a half-ball balancer to angle your body. Your core will support your position while you perform the leg raises.

The Kneeling Pallof Press is a great commonly-used F1 training exercise to try out, too. This is a unique exercise that applies constant rotational pressure. It uses a cable lift machine.

Get on your knees and position yourself perpendicular to the cable feed. Pull the cable and put your hands close to your body. Now, simply extend and curl your arms. During this exercise, you must use your core and arms to prevent the lateral pressure from turning your body.

Upper Body

When it comes to Formula 1 training for the upper body, there’s a fine balance between strength and bulk. Bulking up and increasing muscle mass too much would be counterintuitive to the racing experience (where weight is key). The trick is to target key muscles and perform workouts that replicate the movement you would make in the cockpit.

The “sit and steer” training exercise is quite popular among F1 drivers. Not only does it target several muscles in the arms, but it also works out the core and helps build endurance.

With this exercise, you sit on a large exercise body while balancing your feet on a smaller medicine ball. This mimics the cramped quarters of the car’s cockpit.

While you hold this position and work your core, hold a large weight plate like a steering wheel. You can work with your trainer to randomize the exercise a bit. Have them direct you to turn the plate as if you were driving!

In addition to specialized exercises, standard weight training is a must. Using free weights or a cable system, target muscles in the chest, upper back, shoulders, and arms. Push-ups and supine pull-ups are good, too.

Lower Body

Remember: drivers have to apply hundreds of pounds of force to slow down or bring the car to a halt. To do that, they need to develop impressive leg strength.

Like training the upper body, you must build strength without developing too much bulk.

Deadlifts and squats can strengthen the glutes, hamstrings, and the lower back. Meanwhile, leg extensions seated leg presses can target the quads. To strengthen the calves, you can perform things like box jumps and calf raises.

There are many ways to strengthen the lower body, which is great. With so many exercises available, you can easily mix up your routine to avoid a plateau. Once you master simple exercises, you can graduate to more complex routines that include single-leg Romanian lifts and more.

Reaction Time

While the physical aspects of racing are important, the mental side of things can make or break a race. When you’re racing at more than 200 MPH, every single second counts. Even a minor delay in your reaction time could spell disaster.

Formula 1 drivers implement exercises that combine mental training with physical training. These exercises can speed up the synaptic response that occurs in your brain. The mind and body connection improves, allowing you to react to sudden events on the race track.

One easy way to improve reaction times is through a simple tennis ball drill. Position yourself close to a wall and face it. Then, have a coach or training partner throw balls at the wall from behind you.

Your job is to quickly react and catch the ball as it bounces off the wall. The random nature of this exercise constantly challenges your mind. Meanwhile, the close position forces you to use your peripheral vision to succeed.

More advanced training tools are available as well. Using Reflexion you can get comprehensive cognitive performance training in your own home. These kinds of devices are the future of F1 training, and are being adopted all over the sports performance industry.

Anything that gives you an edge when it comes to reaction time is well-worth it!

Closing Thoughts

Proper F1 training requires not only discipline, but a varied and intelligent approach. The best drivers are always on the cutting edge when it comes to new exercises, and it shows on the track.

If you’re interested in taking your training to the next level and giving your reaction time a huge boost, get in touch with us here!

How To Become A Better Athlete: 21 Tips For Success

Learning how to become a better athlete is a lifelong pursuit. There are a number of ways you can improve, and the methods at your disposal are changing all the time!

This list covers the fundamental techniques and strategies you can use to become a great athlete and find more success during competition. Take this to heart, and watch your performance improve!

1. Write Down Your Goals

Setting long-term goals is a great way to stay motivated and become a better athlete. Not only can you identify what it is you’re trying to achieve, but you can figure out how you’re going to make it happen.

Think about what you want to accomplish on a grander scale.

Many athletes tend to focus on the short-term. While that’s great for experiencing incremental successes, thinking only about what you need to get done today could ultimately hold you back.

When you think about your long-term goals, it’s much easier to make the right decisions to help you get there. Suddenly, skipping out on a training day or binging on that unhealthy meal doesn’t seem so appealing.

Jot down your goals on a piece of paper and display them somewhere where you can them. Use that note as a reminder of what you’re trying to achieve. Later on, you can use it to check on your progress and figure out what changes you need to make to push yourself even further.

2. Have a Good Diet

You can’t expect to see improvements in your performance if you’re not fueling your body right! While you might be working out more than the average person, a poor diet is going to have ill effects on your body just the same.

Fatty foods, junk snacks, and sugary drinks will hamper your progress. Unhealthy foods put unnecessary stress on your body and affect the recovery process.

It’s not easy making dietary changes, but the effort is well worth it. Start by cutting back on the unhealthy stuff. Then, try introducing some more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein into your diet.

Avoid extreme diets and convoluted diet plans. The goal here is to make a lifestyle change that will support your endeavors in the long-run.

If you need some extra help, consider going to a dietician or nutritionist. They can help you get on the right track by making meaningful changes that stick!

3. Master the Fundamentals

Athletes are notorious for wanting to dive head-first into an intense training regime. The effort is admirable, but it often leads to injuries!

You need to have a good grasp of the fundamentals. Even if you’re a seasoned athlete, you could benefit from exercises that are designed to improve your foundation.

Focus on those building blocks before you jump into the intense stuff. This means doing aerobic exercise, general strength building, mobility drills, and body conditioning. All of these fundamentals can make a drastic difference in how your body responds to heavier workouts.

For one, it prepares the body for intense training later. Mastering the fundamentals reduces your chances of injury and gives you the tools to go harder.

Secondly, fundamentals build your stamina. With proper preparation, you can work out longer and harder without getting fatigued quickly.

4. Be Consistent and Don’t Expect Results to Come Immediately

Consistency is key when you want to be a better athlete. No great athlete got to where they are today by skipping workouts and slacking off.

There are going to be days when you don’t want to train. But, you need to get motivated and do it anyway!

Dedicate a set amount of time each day to train. Even if it’s just 30 minutes a day, that consistency will make all the difference. Your body will improve the longer you stick to it.

Furthermore, it helps build discipline. Staying consistent will make you stay on track and put you that much closer to your goals.

It can be hard to go months without seeing the results you want. But be patient! Experiencing results take time!

The last thing you want to do is over-exert yourself in an attempt to improve faster. That will only backfire on your by slowing down your body’s recovery.

Be consistent in your workout routine and practice self-discipline. You’ll get there soon enough!

5. Improve Core Strength

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a cross-country runner or a football player, core strength is essential.

Most don’t realize it, but your core is easily one of the most important muscle groups in your body. It affects all other muscle groups and keeps your entire body in balance.

A weak core can make you vulnerable to injuries. So, make core training a part of your workout routine. Do some ab workouts, burpees, planks, and more. Mix things up to ensure that every single muscle in your core is getting the workout it needs.

6. Push Your Limits

The longer you train, the easier your workouts are going to seem. While it might be satisfying to see that tangible progress, it’s not a good thing!

You should always aim to push your limits.

When athletes get comfortable, they stop getting better and plateau. The body isn’t having to work as hard to complete those exercises, so people get complacent. Ultimately, this will prevent you from seeing any more results.

The only way that you’re going to improve is by pushing harder and trying to go beyond your “best.”

Consider testing your performance every once in a while. Do some timed drills or test your strength. Keep track of what you’re capable of and use those benchmarks as a baseline.

7. Improve Your Sports-Specific Strength

Fundamentals and overall body conditioning are important. However, you also need to focus on skills that are specific to your sport.

If you’re a quarterback, you might focus on sprinting and agility. If you’re a cyclist, you may want to train your legs harder and build up endurance.

Whatever the case may be, formulate a workout that complements what you’re going to be doing on the field. This will build strength in areas that matter and stabilize your muscles.

It also familiarizes your body with the mechanics you need to succeed. Perform drills that replicate what you do in your sport and continually push your body further. You can do this as part of your core workout or in your warmups.

Building strength in those key areas will improve your overall performance and decrease your chances of injury.

8. Train Your Brain

It’s not just your body that you have to train to become a better athlete. No matter what sport you play, your cognitive abilities have a big impact on how you perform.

When you’re on the field, you have to identify opportunities, make split decisions, and tell your body to react. All of this happens within a fraction of a second.

And even a minor delay can ruin the play.

Brain training combines physical movements with physical responses. There are many different forms of cognitive training, but they all can provide you with serious benefits.

Depending on the particular exercise you perform, you can improve peripheral vision, reaction times, hand-eye coordination, and more (Reflexion covers everything by the way).

Implementing some neuro-training exercises into your routine might not seem like much. But like physical training, you can see incremental improvements over time. When the time comes to test your performance, you’ll have improved cognitive abilities.

9. Warm Up Properly

This should go without saying, but warming up your body before training is a must! You need to prepare your body for the rigorous workout ahead.

Warming up loosens the muscles and mobilizes your joints. This can help you perform better and prevent injuries.

You’re not doing your body any favors by skipping a warmup. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that the first 10 minutes of your routine is your warmup.

When you start training with tight muscles, you’re depriving them of oxygen. As a result, you’ll just end up feeling tired more quickly.

10. Cross-Train

Cross-training is the act of training in activities that are not part of your main sport. Say, for example, that you’re a runner. You probably focus on endurance training and performing unilateral movements.

To cross-train, you could practice lateral movements to strengthen your hips. You might also work on building muscle strength.

The point of cross-training is to improve your overall fitness levels and encourage the fast recovery of your entire body. Cross-training can also help you prevent injuries by targeting parts of the body that you don’t necessarily use in the sport.

Start by focusing on core fitness components that you normally don’t prioritize. This could be anything from agility to balance.

Over time, the benefits that you experience from cross-training can help you see improvements in your sport.

11. Develop a Training Schedule

Finding time throughout the week to train is not always easy. Athletes with full-time jobs or families often have to carve out time in their day in order to train and get better. While squeezing in a few minutes here and there is better than not training at all, that inconsistency is not helping you reach your goal.

Create a schedule that works for your lifestyle. Designate some time during the day where you can focus on nothing but training. This is important.

If you’re thinking about everything else that you need to get done, you’re not going to concentrate on the exercises at hand. Your form and overall performance could suffer.

When you have an established schedule, it’s easier to prioritize your workout routine when it’s appropriate. Not only that, but it’s much easier to stay consistent.

12. Get Enough Sleep

If you’re not getting a full eight to nine hours of sleep, you need to make some changes to your lifestyle and schedule.

Sleep is an important recovery tool that will help prepare your body for your next training session. As you sleep, your muscle tissue is healing and your nervous system is relaxing. When you don’t get enough sleep, you’re putting your body at risk for injury and damaging your overall health.

It’s not just about how many hours you snooze. You also need to ensure that you’re getting quality sleep. This means getting several hours of uninterrupted deep sleep.

Consider trying out a sleep tracking app. They can give you more insight into your sleep patterns. Use that information to make changes that can help you sleep better every single night.

13. Stretch

Do you experience a ton of muscle pain after an intense workout? Chances are, you’re not doing enough to cool your body down afterward.

Before you move on with your day, take a few minutes to perform some low-intensity movements. Basic stretches will help speed up the recovery process by promoting blood flow through your muscles.

Stretching also promotes the clearing of lactic acid in your muscles. Lactic acid builds up as you exercise. If it has a chance to pool, you’re going to suffer later.

You don’t have to spend a ton of time stretching to see benefits. As little as ten minutes can help you. Use those minutes to reflect on your workout and take a mental breather! All the great athletes do it, and there’s a reason why!

14. Become Mentally Strong

Mental and emotional strength can go a long way. Training is difficult. The time and work that you put into improving can take a toll on your mental health. Pile on external factors that are out of your control and you can easily lose the motivation you need to continue your journey.

No matter what’s going on in your personal life, focus on being the best version of you that you can. Don’t dwell on the bad stuff. It’ll only pull focus from your goals and put you in a bad place.

Tons of athletes use their training as a form of therapy. Think of it as meditation. It’s a time that you have all to yourself. Use it to become mentally strong.

15. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Fear should never be a part of the equation. Many athletes are hesitant to try new things or push themselves outside of their comfort zone. So, they stick to what they know.

That fear of failing is holding you back! No one is perfect when they try a new sport for the first time. Not everyone can win either. While no one wants to experience defeat, it’s a crucial part of the process.

To truly enjoy success, you need to know what defeat feels like. The goal is to use those bad experiences as motivation to do better.

It’s normal to mess up. This is especially true in sports. How you respond to those failures and move forward is what’s going to help you improve and see real results.

16. Visualize

Visualizing your success before it happens can help you get one step closer to your goal. Think long and hard about how it will feel when you finally cross that finish line or barrel past your goal.

Think about all of those little details. How do you feel? What does the environment look like? What do you see?

The more detailed your visualizations are, the better.

Visualization creates a strong emotional connection to your goals. It can keep you motivated and mentally prepare you for the steps it will take to get there.

17. Be Open to Trying New Techniques

The worst thing you can do when trying to improve your athletic performance is to put yourself in a box. Once you’ve mastered a technique, look for other approaches!

Sticking to the same techniques is the quickest way to reach a plateau. There are so many methods to try out! Think outside of the box and try to do some workouts you’ve never attempted before.

You’ll find new ways to challenge your muscles and see improvements.

Open yourself up to the possibilities. Speak with fellow trainees or talk to a coach. Get some feedback on how you’re performing your workout and listen to the tips you receive. You might end up improving your sessions or find new ways to do things.

18. Hire a Trainer or Coach

One of the best ways to become a better athlete is by having the help of a trainer or coach. A coach will be able to analyze your training techniques and identify areas where you need to improve.

They offer a different perspective that could ultimately prove to be very valuable. When you’re working out, you’re focusing so much on technique that you’re unable to see if what you’re doing is actually effective. A trainer can do all of that for you.

A trainer can then create a custom plan to help you meet your goals. They can give you a more structured routine that’s catered to your specific needs.

On top of all of that, coaches are there to support you every step of the way! There’s no better motivator than someone who wants to see you succeed!

19. Experiment with Different Recovery Methods

Stretching is one of the easiest methods to promote muscle recovery. But, it’s not your only option! There are plenty of things you can do to keep your body in good shape.

Experiment to see what works best for you. You don’t have to stick to just one method. Mix things up and combine recovery methods to get the best results.

After stretching, you could spend a few minutes in the sauna. The heat will increase blood circulation and deliver some much-needed oxygen to your muscles. It’ll also relieve muscle tension and give you some time to relax your mind.

Every few weeks, you could also try getting a massage. Deep tissue massages reduce inflammation, promote better circulation, and work out knots.

Give these methods a shot and see how your body responds.

20. Don’t Overdo It

When you’re motivated to meet your athletic goals, it’s easy to overdo things. However, training hard every single day will do more harm than good (thus limiting your success).

It’s better to do interval training. Mix high and low-intensity training into your fitness regime. This will help you train more without overloading your body and slowing recovery times.

Ideally, you should have several days of recovery between intense training sessions. Keep those recovery days light to avoid injury.

21. Mix Up Training Methods to Prevent Burnout

When you’re constantly doing the same routine over and over again, burnout is just around the corner. When that time comes, you’ll end up feeling physically and mentally exhausted.

To avoid burnout, mix up your training methods. Try new techniques and create a schedule that has you doing different things each day.

New techniques will target different muscle groups, giving your other muscles time to rest. Not only that, but it keeps your muscles on edge. They’ll constantly be challenged, helping you avoid that dreaded plateau effect.

Most importantly, mixing up your training methods can keep you excited and motivated. It’s hard to get pumped for a workout when you already know what to expect. Keep things fresh! It’ll make a huge difference in the long run.


Finding out how to become a better athlete is both simple and complex. A lot of the fundamentals are rather straightforward in principle, but tricky to implement in practice.

Use these techniques to guide you through training as you work to get better each and every day. Maintain the progress, stay consistent, and you’ll certainly be successful.